


The Beatles-Yesterday Lyrics


*klo nk dngr agu ni...mixpod kt tp uh kne stop/pause r dlu....klo idak brcampo2 agu nye...kowng bleh  stop an sndri mixpod uh...agu ni mmg sdap crazy bg aq...the beatles mmg pncetus revolusi music...

budk kecik......

aq nk crite psal budk kecik uh ag....
tp sblom uh....bce bismillah r dlu....he69
aq nk mntk maap kt ko r budk kecik....
ko jngn r amek aty/marah/kecik aty psl entri yg aq tuliz sblom ni.........
aq guro69 mintak sorry r ye.....
ini entri aq puji ko je...he69 ='D

smbung smlm...budk kecik ni...baek r gk budk nye...
dye r bnyk tlong aq psl blog2 ni....
x de rse x de r kot ni...he69
dye klo trsrempak ngn aq cm pgi2 aq bru msok klaz...ayt yg dye ckp "judinnnnnnnnnn"
sedap je tlinge dngo nye...hua69
2 je la ye...len entri r plaq aq crite blek...

the end

abez azab dunie....(prekse)

fuhh....gilo la....
pnat otk aq study 3mnggu turut2...
tp bkn nye study sgt pn..hua69
nk jwb soklan nye r sakit....
nk memikio(fikir) ag dh selioh2 otak aq....
smpai kebas pn de otak aq ni....hua69
cmne r mke ckgu2 subject +math,physics ngn chemistry....
hua69....x dpt bayng an....kompom ofkos diowg ngamok...hua69

*bwt budk kecik.....he69...sbuk soh tuliz psl crite aq nk kabo psl bdk kecik ni....
  budk kecik ni tyme pgi2 aq bru je msok klaz...mke 1st nmpk mke dye r...
  klo aq msok klaz pn antre owg yg 1st tego aq dye r....
  tp aq simpati kt dye...x smpai aty aq nk crite sbeno nye,aq nk crite gk...hua69
  dye klo sembng ngn aq dye nye asyik dongak je....yg aq nye asyik rukuk je r...
  x smpai aty plaq tgk dye dongak wt hal dongak2 x leh nk tunduk blek...hua69
  nk ag ke crite psl bdk kecik ni....
  dh2 r 2 ye...len kli r plaq....

 the end
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